Why Corporate Accreditation/ Certification is for You


Accreditation or certification from a reputable organisation holds immense value for businesses across various industries. It serves as a mark of quality, professionalism, and adherence to industry standards. In the coaching and mentoring field, the International Guild for Hypnotherapy, NLP, and 3 Principles Practitioners and Trainers (IGH3P) is a recognised authority that offers accreditation and certification programs. In this article, we will explore why your company would benefit from seeking accreditation or certification status from IGH3P.

Corporate Certification: A fee of £1800 is required for the certification of corporate coaching or mentoring programs. This fee covers up to 3 programs, the review of the program materials, the evaluation of the program, and the issuance of the certification. Annual Renewal Fee: £600

Corporate Accreditation: A fee of £3100  is required for the accreditation of corporate coaching or mentoring programs. This fee covers up to 5 programs, the review of the program materials, the intensive evaluation of the program, and the issuance of accreditation. Annual Renewal Fee: £720

  1. Enhanced Credibility and Reputation: Accreditation or certification from IGH3P significantly enhances your company's credibility and reputation. It signifies that your company has met rigorous standards set by a respected professional body. Clients, customers, and Partners value accreditation or certification as it validates your commitment to providing high-quality coaching or mentoring services. This distinction sets you apart from competitors and positions your company as a trusted and reputable choice in the industry.

  2. Assurance of Quality and Professionalism: By obtaining accreditation or certification from IGH3P, you assure your stakeholders that your company adheres to industry best practices and operates with professionalism. The accreditation or certification process evaluates various aspects of your company, including the qualifications of your coaches or mentors, the quality of your services, and your commitment to continuous improvement. This assurance instils confidence in your clients and customers, as they know they are engaging with a company that upholds high standards of excellence.

  3. Competitive Advantage: In today's competitive business landscape, having an edge over your competitors is crucial. Accreditation or certification from IGH3P gives your company a competitive advantage. It differentiates your business by showcasing your commitment to quality and expertise in coaching and mentoring. When clients and customers have the choice between companies, they are more likely to choose the one that has obtained accreditation or certification, as it provides assurance of their professionalism and competence.

  4. Access to a Network of Professionals: By achieving accreditation or certification from IGH3P, your company gains access to a network of professionals within the coaching and mentoring industry. This network offers valuable opportunities for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and professional growth. You can connect with like-minded individuals, exchange ideas, and learn from their experiences. Collaborative initiatives, such as joint ventures or referral partnerships, can expand your reach and open doors to new business opportunities.

  5. Continuous Improvement and Development: Accreditation or certification is not a one-time achievement; it is a commitment to continuous improvement and development. IGH3P emphasises the importance of staying updated with industry trends, best practices, and advancements. As an accredited or certified company, you are encouraged to engage in ongoing professional development activities for your coaches or mentors. This commitment to continuous learning ensures that your company remains at the forefront of the coaching and mentoring industry, offering the most effective and innovative services to your clients.

  6. Increased Marketability and Business Growth: Accreditation or certification from IGH3P enhances your company's marketability and contributes to business growth. The credibility and reputation associated with the accreditation or certification status attract potential clients and customers. It also strengthens your relationships with existing clients, as they have confidence in your company's capabilities. The increased trust and positive word-of-mouth referrals generated by your accreditation or certification can lead to a broader client base, increased revenue, and sustainable business growth.

  7. Recognition and Differentiation: Acquiring accreditation or certification status from IGH3P provides your company with recognition and differentiation in the coaching and mentoring industry. It demonstrates your commitment to maintaining high standards and sets you apart from businesses that have not undergone the rigorous evaluation process. The IGH3P logo or seal displayed on your marketing materials, website, or office space serves as a recognisable symbol of your company's achievement and commitment to excellence. It acts as a visual representation of your company's credibility and professionalism, making it easier for potential clients to identify and trust your services.

  8. Alignment with Industry Standards: Accreditation or certification from IGH3P ensures that your company aligns with industry standards and best practices. IGH3P has established a set of criteria and guidelines that reflect the latest advancements and requirements in coaching and mentoring. By meeting these standards, your company demonstrates its dedication to staying current and relevant in the industry. This alignment not only benefits your company's operations and service delivery but also instils confidence in clients and customers who seek services from organisations that adhere to recognised industry benchmarks.

  9. Opportunities for Collaboration and Partnerships: As an accredited or certified company by IGH3P, you open doors to potential collaborations and partnerships. Other businesses or organisations within the coaching and mentoring industry may seek to collaborate with reputable and trusted companies like yours. These collaborations can lead to mutually beneficial projects, joint ventures, or referrals, expanding your reach and enhancing your business opportunities. Accreditation or certification acts as a catalyst for forming strategic partnerships that can contribute to the growth and success of your company.

  10. Demonstration of Ethical Practices: IGH3P's accreditation or certification signifies that your company operates with a strong commitment to ethical practices. Ethics play a vital role in the coaching and mentoring profession, as clients and customers expect confidentiality, integrity, and a code of conduct to be upheld. By meeting IGH3P's standards, your company demonstrates its dedication to ethical principles, giving clients peace of mind that their interests and well-being are safeguarded throughout the coaching or mentoring process.

    Seeking accreditation or certification status from IGH3P for your coaching or mentoring company offers numerous benefits. It enhances your credibility, assures clients and customers of your commitment to quality, provides a competitive advantage, and grants access to a network of professionals. Accreditation or certification also fosters continuous improvement, increases marketability, and aligns your company with industry standards. It showcases your professionalism, differentiates you from competitors, and opens doors to collaboration and partnerships. By obtaining accreditation or certification from IGH3P, your company not only gains recognition but also reinforces its commitment to excellence in the coaching and mentoring industry.