International Guild of Hypnotherapy, NLP and 3 Principles Practitioners and Trainers (IGH3P®) Code of Ethics and Professional Practice for Complementary Medicine Practitioners

INTRODUCTION All practitioners who have completed a Certificate Course agree to adhere to the following Codes of Ethics and Practices. Non-compliance indicates they are not practicing the complementary medicine method. This Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice is continuously evolving and will be updated as necessary.


  • To establish and uphold a high standard of practice in complementary medicine, ensuring the integrity of the method.
  • To set and maintain ethical standards and practices for practitioners worldwide and their relationship with the public.
  • To inform and protect members of the public seeking and/or using services from these practitioners.

ETHICAL PRINCIPLES – INTEGRITY, RESPECT, AND TRUST The following ethical principles are fundamental and must be upheld by all certified practitioners:

  1. Integrity

    • Practitioners will work with integrity, ensuring honesty and fairness in all interactions.
    • Example: A practitioner discovers they have accidentally overcharged a client and immediately refunds the excess amount, explaining the mistake.
  2. Respect

    • Practitioners must show respect for all individuals, valuing their dignity, beliefs, and cultural backgrounds.
    • Example: A practitioner respects a client's decision to decline a particular treatment and discusses alternative options without pressuring them.
  3. Trust

    • Professional relationships and interactions must be ethical and non-exploitative.
    • Example: A practitioner ensures that all communications with clients are transparent and truthful, fostering a trusting relationship.
  4. High Standards of Practice

    • The highest standards of practice must be maintained at all times.
    • Example: A practitioner consistently updates their skills and knowledge through continued professional development and training.
  5. Confidentiality

    • Confidentiality must be respected and protected.
    • Example: A practitioner ensures that all client records are securely stored and only shared with the client's explicit consent or as required by law.
  6. Non-Coercive Approach

    • Practitioners must respect a non-coercive approach, ensuring that sessions are provided only upon request.
    • Example: A practitioner never suggests to a potential client that they need healing or implies there is something wrong with them to secure a session.


  1. Health of Practitioner

    • Practitioners must be in good health in body, mind, and spirit to practice.
    • Example: A practitioner takes a break from their practice when experiencing significant personal stress or illness to ensure they can provide effective and safe care.
  2. Substance Use

    • Practitioners must not work under the influence of medication, alcohol, or illegal substances.
    • Example: A practitioner abstains from consuming alcohol before sessions to maintain clarity and professionalism.
  3. Modalities

    • The practice of complementary medicine must not include unapproved modalities.
    • Example: A practitioner clearly distinguishes their complementary medicine services from other spiritual or healing practices like Reiki or mediumship.
  4. Claims of Cure

    • Practitioners must never claim to ‘cure’.
    • Example: A practitioner avoids making promises of curing conditions and instead focuses on the potential benefits of the therapy.
  5. Medical Advice

    • Practitioners must not disparage medical treatments or offer medical advice.
    • Example: A practitioner supports a client’s medical treatment plan and encourages them to follow their doctor's advice.
  6. Use of Titles

    • Practitioners must not use titles suggesting they are medically qualified unless they hold appropriate medical qualifications.
    • Example: A practitioner with no medical degree does not use the title "Dr." and informs clients of their actual qualifications.
  7. Medical Instructions

    • Practitioners must not countermand medical instructions or prescriptions.
    • Example: A practitioner advises a client to continue following their prescribed medication regimen and does not suggest any changes.
  8. Consultation with GP

    • Practitioners must suggest to clients that they consult their GP in a non-threatening manner.
    • Example: A practitioner gently advises a client experiencing new symptoms to see their GP without diagnosing or alarming them.
  9. Medication Advice

    • Clients should not be advised to stop prescribed medication without consulting their doctor.
    • Example: A practitioner stresses the importance of consulting with their physician before making any changes to their medication.
  10. Medical Treatments

    • Practitioners must not recommend specific medical treatments.
    • Example: A practitioner encourages clients to discuss potential medical treatments with their healthcare providers rather than making specific suggestions.
  11. Diagnosis

    • Practitioners must not diagnose medical conditions.
    • Example: A practitioner refers clients to medical professionals for diagnosis and treatment, focusing their sessions on complementary support.
  12. Empathy and Support

    • Practitioners should be empathetic, supportive, and positive.
    • Example: A practitioner provides a supportive and encouraging environment, helping clients feel hopeful about their health journey.
  13. Booking Sessions

    • Practitioners must not suggest multiple or follow-up bookings; if not needed,  clients should decide the frequency and number of sessions.
    • Example: A practitioner allows clients to choose when they want to return, rather than scheduling follow-up sessions without client initiation.
  14. Judgment

    • Practitioners should refrain from judging clients’ life choices.
    • Example: A practitioner maintains a non-judgmental attitude towards a client’s lifestyle choices and focuses on providing support.


  1. Compliance with Data Protection

    • Practitioners must comply with the Data Protection Act.
    • Example: A practitioner ensures all client records are securely stored and only accessible to authorized personnel.
  2. Client Information

    • Practitioners must never sell or transfer client database information.
    • Example: A practitioner keeps client information confidential and does not share it with third parties for marketing purposes.
  3. Legal Obligations

    • Practitioners must report any threats to harm or abuse a child or knowledge of terrorist activity.
    • Example: A practitioner reports a client’s disclosure of intended harm to the authorities, adhering to legal requirements.


  1. Professional Standards

    • The relationship between practitioners and clients should be of the highest professional standard.
    • Example: A practitioner maintains a clear boundary between their professional and personal lives to ensure objectivity.
  2. Exploitation

    • Practitioners must not exploit clients in any way.
    • Example: A practitioner avoids any financial, sexual, emotional, or spiritual exploitation of clients.
  3. Clothing

    • Practitioners must not request the removal of clothing except for coats and footwear.
    • Example: A practitioner ensures clients remain fully clothed during sessions, respecting their comfort and boundaries.
  4. Non-Judgment

    • Practitioners shall not judge clients based on race, color, creed, gender, or sexual orientation.
    • Example: A practitioner provides equal respect and treatment to all clients, regardless of their background.


  1. Professionalism and Health

    • Practitioners must maintain their professionalism, health, well-being, personal hygiene, and cleanliness of their healing environment.
    • Example: A practitioner takes regular breaks and self-care measures to ensure they remain effective and professional.
  2. Personal Functioning

    • Practitioners should monitor their personal functioning and seek help or withdraw from practice if needed.
    • Example: A practitioner seeks supervision or takes a break if experiencing burnout or personal issues affecting their work.
  3. Professional Limitations

    • Practitioners should be aware of their professional limitations and refer clients to other professionals when necessary.
    • Example: A practitioner refers a client to a specialist when their needs fall outside the practitioner's expertise.


  1. Collaboration with Healthcare Professionals

    • Practitioners should seek good relationships and work cooperatively with other healthcare professionals.
    • Example: A practitioner collaborates with a client’s medical team to ensure a holistic approach to their care.
  2. Respect for Other Treatments

    • Practitioners must not undermine a client’s faith in other treatments and should respect and support clients’ choices.
    • Example: A practitioner supports a client’s decision to pursue various treatments and does not criticize their choices.
  3. Attending Women in Childbirth

    • Practitioners must not attend women in childbirth or provide healing for one month thereafter unless qualified.
    • Example: A practitioner only offers services to pregnant clients with proper qualifications or referral from a medical professional.
  4. Professional Diligence

    • Practitioners should conduct themselves with diligence in all professional relationships.
    • Example: A practitioner maintains professionalism and care in all interactions, ensuring the client’s best interests are prioritized.


  1. Encouraging Clients
    • Practitioners must not encourage clients away from other professional colleagues.
    • Example: A practitioner respects existing therapeutic relationships and does not solicit clients from other practitioners.


  1. Hospital Responsibility

    • The hospital is responsible for the patient’s care.
    • Example: A practitioner follows hospital protocols and respects the medical staff’s primary role in patient care.
  2. Permission for Healing

    • Practitioners may only provide healing in hospitals with proper permission.
    • Example: A practitioner obtains consent from the patient and hospital staff before offering services in a hospital setting.
  3. Impression of Medical Professional

    • Practitioners must not give the impression of being medical professionals or hospital staff.
    • Example: A practitioner clearly identifies their role and ensures clients understand they are not medical personnel.
  4. Non-Intrusion

    • Healing provided on the ward must not intrude or inconvenience other patients and staff.
    • Example: A practitioner conducts sessions discreetly and respectfully, minimizing disruption to the hospital environment.
  5. Permission from Authorities

    • Permission from relevant hospital authorities is required before treating other patients.
    • Example: A practitioner obtains approval from the charge nurse and attending physician before offering services to additional patients.
  6. Respect for Hospital Treatment

    • Practitioners must not undermine the patient’s faith in hospital treatment.
    • Example: A practitioner supports the hospital’s treatment plan and does not express negative opinions about it to patients.


  1. Working Conditions
    • Practitioners must ensure their working conditions are suitable for safe and effective practice.
    • Example: A practitioner maintains a clean, comfortable, and private environment for client sessions.


  1. Advertising
    • Advertising must be discreet and dignified, without claims of cures or mentions of diseases.
    • Example: A practitioner’s advertisements focus on the benefits of their services and their qualifications without making unsubstantiated claims.


  1. Abidance by Decisions

    • All certified practitioners must abide by decisions made under the disciplinary procedures.
    • Example: A practitioner accepts and adheres to the guidelines and decisions set forth by IGH3P.
  2. Public Protection

    • The primary concern is to protect the public and uphold IGH3P's reputation.
    • Example: IGH3P reserves the right to dissociate from any practitioner in breach of the Code of Ethics immediately to ensure public safety.
  3. Responsibility for Conduct

    • IGH3P is not responsible for the conduct of any certified practitioners.
    • Example: Practitioners are individually accountable for their actions and must adhere to the established ethical guidelines.