Joanne Lee Smith Acc Cch (IWS) IGH3P®

Scope: Accredited Coach

Sub-scope: Innate Wellbeing Specialist

Coaching Field

Inspired by my own 16-year journey with chronic pain to recovery and becoming an ultra-marathon runner, I am deeply passionate about helping others facing similar challenges. As a qualified nurse, professional coach, and mentor, I specialise in 3 Principles Coaching, innate health, and well-being, supporting individuals in overcoming chronic pain, health issues, injuries, anxiety, and depression to regain control of their health. I guide clients in reconnecting with their innate resilience, shifting their mindset to foster lasting physical and emotional healing, and empowering them to overcome mental barriers, rebuild confidence, and return to exercise, ultimately leading an active, fulfilling life.

Contact Joanne:

📞 0044 7954401259



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